May Days Llama Sale

Sale Information:

Sale Format: Online Auction only
Entry Fee: $0
Commission of sold llamas: 10% of price
Fee on unsold llamas: $0
Auction site: Enter Here
How to Consign: Download this pdf file for easy steps . We can also enter it for you.

About LivestockCity

LivestockCity, Inc. was founded circa 2012 by Jim White and Brian Edwards, who were college friends and grew up in nearby towns without knowing each other then. In 2003, they co-founded the sites LlamaSalesList and AlpacaSalesList, which set them on their journey towards eventually founding LivestockCity. Today LivestockCity is made up of interns, developers, and designers. Although an early version of the website was launched in 2016, LivestockCity has created a new site to bring a better user experience. Jim has raised llamas since the year 2000.

Besides auctions, LivestockCity offers a variety of other mostly free features. There is a social/professional farming network (free), a classified listings section (free), a marketplace to open your own store and sell animal/food products (meat, dairy, wool, honey, even maple syrup!), herd management animal tracking system (free), and more features are coming. Mobile apps are also in the works.